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At first, when I saw your heading, "BEWARE EVANGELICALS IN POLITICAL OFFICE," my first thought was this would be another 'hit piece' against evangelicals. I'm glad my initial thought was wrong.

I agree with everything you wrote. As you said, many politicians who profess to be Christian believers have actually been "advancing a Satanic agenda." Obama is an obvious example. When running for election he claimed to be a Christian, although his actions continue to prove the opposite.

Since the Spirit of Christ is not compatible with corporatism and endless wars for profit, a godly man or woman will not be allowed to rise to national power in the modern American government. During their rise, all prospective politicians are challenged to compromise Christian values, and adopt political pragmatism, in order to gain the political, financial, and media support needed to win election. If they refuse to compromise, their candidacy is rejected. Then, if the public still likes them, they're attacked by the media until they're no longer a political threat. (The recent case of Florida Governor Desantis comes to mind.)

The dark powers that control our corrupt political system (e.g., central banks, corporations, media, deep state, etc.) will not permit a person with real Christian integrity to gain national political power, because that leader would recognize what's true and do what's right.

For example, he or she would provide moral leadership, eliciting overwhelming public support to end the federal reserve, secure our borders, bring our troops home from dozens of foreign nations, and prosecute traitors in congress, the DOJ, CIA, FBI, and State Dept. And that's just the start of what a true Christian leader would do, which is why the dark powers won't allow it.

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